-this page updated on 28oct2010

© Neng Maria Teresa M. Evangelista

  Para king aldo kebaitan ning Ibpa ning
Academia Ning Amanung Sisuan Int’l (ANASI)  
     Poeta Laureado ERNESTO C. TURLA
     Neng Maria Teresa M. Evangelista
            Eneru 6, 2010


E-mu ayamyam ing pabustan meng mate,
R-osa ya waring dinuku’t mirarate,
N-iang bignus leguan na bayu aldo ume,
E-meluat metiktik, melugus, lanta ne,
S-iklolo pa rin, deren panibayung bie.
T-inipun mu la sundalu na’t galame,
O-ita! talakad ya king meniksung lame!

C-apampangan ing Indung Amanu sinese!

T-inigko me king tikdo nang bule-bule,
U-me nyang malugus busal ning marangle,
R-ing sibut pengambul lang makakalale,
L-iningap king ANASI kapnung dalise,
A-t mibua, sisuang makakasat king dase!

   For the birthday of the Father of
Academia Ning Amanung Sisuan Int’l (ANASI)
       Poet Laureate ERNESTO C. TURLA
       By Maria Teresa M. Evangelista
           January 6, 2010

ANASI President Ernie Turla with wife Angie and 
ANASI co-moderator Marites MTMME

E-nd her life, you can never ever let,
R-ose like she is, with drooping head,
N-icely gave her full before the sunset,
E-nded drained, leafless and withered,
S-aved her still for a new life to live,
T-hen all her protectors you gathered,
O-h there! To stand and stop to grieve!

C-are our Pampanga Mother Tongue!

T-he staggering stand fixed, elevated,
U-tmost, almost gone bare at the farm,
R-ooted shoots so carefully cultivated,
L-iven at ANASI in genuine loving arm,
A-nd let rise up from her sick mat-bed!

*Saving our Mother Tongue, Kapampangan—
Ing Amanung Sisuan, from gradual disappearance on 
the face of the Earth, is ANASI President Ernie Turla’s
ultimate goal.